Live Radio, Deep Time and Seeing Stars - February 2022
We continue to meet online every couple of weeks and in-person now and again. Whenever we get together, the flow of ideas is expansive and generous. We thought that we could share some of that flow, in case you enjoy it as much as we do.
In this update
What we’re making – an image of new work
What we’re up to – news from collective members
What we’re sharing - interesting things we've linked in chat
What we’re reading - books we’re (mostly) enjoying
What We’re Making
A new image by Nichola Scrutton Prompt for Dafna: Memory | Dream | Encounter
What We’re Up To
Top Tip – Tune In to Nichola Scrutton
You can listen to us as well! Nichola Scrutton is an award-winning composer, experimental vocalist and artist. Her inter-disciplinary works are featuring on Radiophrenia, a temporary radio station based in Glasgow and broadcasting online.
You can catch Nic’s performances at these times:-
Friday 11 Feb at 4:30pm – live broadcast collaboration with writer Zoē Strachan
Sunday 13 Feb at 9pm – a programme of Nic’s 2021 curated micro-commissions Memory | Dream | Encountersupported by Creative Scotland – several women composer/sound artists were invited to respond to Nic’s visual work.
Thursday 17 Feb at 5pm – a live broadcast as part of a Radiophrenia collaboration with Mobile Radio’s Knut Aufermann and Sarah Washington, supported by the Goethe Institute.
Radiophrenia will be broadcasting 24/7 from 7–20 February 2022. Their schedule is packed with an eclectic array of experimental radio and sound art works. See Radiophenia’s full daily schedule or listen on their website.
Ruth Broadbent
Last year, Ruth set up walk.draw - friendly events which let you experiment with drawing, walking and inspiration. She’s developing new ideas for workshops about connecting to the geology beneath our feet after reading Helen Gordon’s Notes from Deep Time.
A new drawing and video work, Tide, playfully records the watery movements of sand, and was shown as part of Walking The Land's ‘Watermarks’ at UHI The Edge 2021 conference.
She’s currently writing about Groundlines and Puddle Worlds for Living Maps Review, and editing new artworks and text for an upcoming publication, Earth Stories.
Hondartza Fraga
Hondartza has curated a group show, Seeing Stars, which opens on 27 April 2022 at The Stanley and Audrey Burton Gallery at the University of Leeds. It’s an exhibition that is closely connected with her research and artistic interests. It includes artists that combine the newest sources and technologies from astronomy and sciences with outmoded visions and interpretations to explore our relationship to the Universe.
She is way deep into writing her Practice-led PhD at the moment, working hard to make sense out of a big body of work produced over the last four years.
Kim Plowright
Kim is putting a lot of energy in to running life drawing classes in Canterbury, at the moment. There’s a one-day creative life drawing class coming up in March themed around of nature, renewal and folklore.
Two of her life drawings were in Simple Things magazine. Writer Ali Warner wanted to tick 'be a life model' off her bucket list, and commissioned Kim to draw her. Ali has written beautifully about the experience, and what it feels like to be with your body as a life model in the January 2022 issue.
What We’re Sharing
Here’s a little snippet of the sort of things that came out of our last zoom….
[SARAH] I am a bit obsessed with Joshua Hagler . We saw his show on our London jaunt. I love the way he has shared his thinking with short films. This sharing of thought interests me.
[EVERYONE] That perennial artistic discussion… How we get down to making something – because everyone is feeling a bit lost in the face of being creative at the moment.
[KIM] RELATED this old bit of writing of mine went very slightly viral the other day – it’s about ways of getting unstuck on projects.
[SARAH] Whitney have a fascinating series going at the moment. Subjectivity in Art / Jennifer Packer – you’re allowed to look at feeling rather than more technical things. The lecture series is over but the show is still on at the Whitney.
[RUTH] There’s a call for papers from the University of Huddersfield. They are convening a conference in September – Drawing Conversations: Engaging with Sites of History and Narrative
[RUTH] Linda Knight Inefficient Mapping book
[KIM] So many TBWDP video events.
[EVERYONE] Shall we do some drawing…?
What We’re Reading
Our reading material is as wide-ranging as our chat. Here are some of the books that are on our desks/bedside tables at the moment…
Fen, short stories by Daisy Johnson
Age of Wire and String by Ben Marcus
All Art is Ecological by Timothy Morton
No Modernism Without Lesbians - Diana Souhami
Real Estate by Deborah Levy
Camera Lucida by Roland Barthes
Endless House Projects by Ian Kiaer
The Living Mountain by Nan Shepherd
Inefficient Mapping by Linda Knight
Timefulness: How thinking like a geologist can help save the world by Marcia Bjornerud
Well, there you go – a snapshot of three months of activity between ten artists who came together through drawing. Thanks for reading! See you in another couple of months.
With love,
hyphæ drawing collective